Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Lol Am With You Always


The little comma drops with a sound like that.

Hops down the page with some insistence.

“I, gotta be here now.”

Is it, good?

Try, some!

I didn't say I wanted to try some I asked, if it was good.

Let me get you, a little plate.

I don't want any right, now.

Oh, ok. Well there, is a lot left over.

Was it, good?

Well try, some.

Ugh I, don't want any.

Because, I made it and it's terrible.

I, didn't say that!

But it, is true.

It is, probably good.

Try so,me!

I do, not want any! I just want to know if, you thought it was good.

Whaddya do there, With the hammer and the head what is that, Happening on the inside like a tool without a place for tools how man, how,

It's like a poem the addiction, The why of which you can't want to know for the reasons buried in the very old dark, What is it with all this dirt none of this goes here get it out, God damn, For fuck's sake, I say tomorrow we come back here sober and we fucking put this shit in the hole and we shoot it dead and walk away and you say


I don't say anything. I just watch. There is no wrong way to be.

Yeah, see, fuck you for saying that. There is a right and wrong way to be! You can't tell me that it is all the same, because I fucking know it is not all just the same. Think I like my mom better now dead?

And with that sentence, now you know.

I don't know anything. I just got tired right there.

Because now you know the unsaid thing.

It's not true.

What isn't?

That I like my mom better now that she's dead. That's just not fucking true! God damn!

The Lord said “Lo, I am with you always.”

The Lord meant “Lol...”


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