Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Just to start and let the mind go where the mind wants to go. Here I go again. Feeling this way. I know that what I read in the Tao mentioned specifically that the first indication that the mind isn't getting enough energy is emotional instability. When the mind does not get enough energy, the first indication is emotional instability. Interesting. I am feeling a little emotionally unstable and I have not had anything to eat today. Make the connection. Know what you have to do and set about taking care of yourself first. For the same reason we are instructed to put our air masks on before we assist others getting theirs on in the event of sudden cabin pressure loss on an airplane, I have to help myself out first before I can help others, for the idea in practice here is deeper than it usually seems. While I recognize in myself that I am probably explainably teetering on familiar and destructive patterns, I recognize, not only in myself but in Davin and others the same pattern in various strengths. "The brain can only burn glucose, which is also known as "blood sugar". In fact, the brain, which accounts for only 2% body weight, consumes 25% all available blood sugar. Unlike other tissues, the brain cannot switch over to fat or other fuels when glucose supplies in the blood run dry. Since blood can only carry enough glucose to last for about four hours, any interruption to the steady supply of glucose in the bloodstream results in immediate impairment of brain functions. The very first symptom of mental impairment due to glucose deficiency in the brain is loss of emotional control.The Tao of Health, Sex, & Longevity pp. 85-6 I was walking and it was spectacular out. You forget what it's like to live for weeks in rain and cloud. Then you forget what it's like to see the sun. Then the sun comes out and you go for a walk and it's warm and everything is amazingly dense and green and the flowers all put out their perfume and the birds flit out from near shrubbery as you walk by. The only sound is water flowing. You forget you work. Forget you have problems that have no solution. You walk on only to feel the passion of your legs tug the grasses beneath your feet. You are not as involved with what you are thinking because you have to pay attention to the ground you walk on. You can look at your problems as if they were not your own. You can feel what the next--the very next--thing you need to do is. You start to know that you belong here on this planet right now. Then you go back in and try to do your job. Endless problems. Only seem to make more, and solving any of them does nothing to help solve the problems you have outside of work. But it's better to have walked. It helps nothing directly--does not make money, does not solve issues, does not make phone calls you need to make--but it does do something that helps you know it's all going to work out. Look at that bank there, where the river has washed away huge chunks of land. New green grass is already set up houses there. There are animals that have new territory they didn't have before. Sure that great old tree is now going to die sooner than it was if the ground beneath it hadn't eroded, but it is not in a hurry to die because of it. In fact, that tree that's half tipped over appears to be flourishing. It can't last much longer, but it's not giving up. Far from it.

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