Friday, March 21, 2008

Notes from the Surround

I learned this morning that our receptionist position at work is opening up again. This means that yet again, I will become the temporary receptionist.

I’ve noted before that there are two indicators to my mental state. I tend to purchase two things consistently: books and music. When I purchase books I am searching (read: unhappy). When I purchase music I am surging forward (or happy). Lately I have been acquiring books.

Despite my addiction to watching basketball on tv, and the near constant presence of games on tv at this time of the year, I continue to plow through books at a clip of two or three a week. I cannot quite grasp how this can be. When am I reading?

I got an invitation to a symposium of poetry in August. Usually I can track where these come from, but I don’t know who got me this one.

I feel about as desirable as the flu. Nonetheless, two days ago I had a young, pretty girl ask me quite boldly if I wanted to hook up. I laughed and walked away. Later, I lay alone in my room and felt intensely lonely. I don’t understand a goddamned thing.

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